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【主讲人】:Prof. Shanjun Li, Cornell University

【时  间】:北京时间 2021年10月28日(星期四)上午9:00-10:30

【主持人】:黄季焜 教授

【形  式】:线上讲座,将于27日统一发送包含会议链接的邮件;或通过以下链接观看转播:https://meeting.tencent.com/l/UvFNxbPYlp7b




Shanjun Li is a Professor of Applied Economics and Policy, and he holds the Kenneth L. Robinson Chair in the Dyson School of Applied Economics and Management at Cornell University. His research areas include environmental and energy economics, urban and transportation economics, empirical industrial organization, and Chinese economy. He serves as co-Director of the Cornell Institute for China Economic Research (CICER) and the Director of Graduate Studies in the Dyson School. He is an editor for the Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists and an editorial board member for Journal of Urban Economics among others. He is a research associate at the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) and a university fellow at Resources for the Future (RFF).